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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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How do you use jQuery with Rails? In this episode I redo episode #43 using jQuery instead of Prototype/RJS.
(9 minutes)
Polling for Changes
If you have frequently changing data on the server side, it's helpful to automatically display this to the user as well. Here I show how to accomplish this with polling in jQuery.
(16 minutes)
Complex Forms Part 3
In this third and final episode on complex forms I will show you how to edit a project and multiple tasks all in one form. This includes removing and adding tasks dynamically as well. See the show notes for updated code.
(16 minutes)
Dynamic Page Caching
Use JavaScript to allow dynamic content in a page cache. In this episode I show you how to insert the user-specific content into a page through JavaScript.
(11 minutes)
Endless Page
Ever wondered how some sites seem to have endless scrolling page with no pagination? Find out how easy it is to do this in Rails in this episode.
(8 minutes)